REACT Alliance (Responsible Energy Adaptation for California's Transition) is a diverse group of local citizens and groups that have recognized the need to come together to create a powerful and united voice to oppose the Central Coast Offshore Wind Project. We will act to provide the information that the public so desperately needs to understand the project, its impacts and the future ramifications for our offshore and onshore communities.

We have created a non-profit corporation to address the dearth of information and to actively interact with the permitting and regulatory agencies involved. The impacts are varied and substantial, and the public has the right to know about the project. We intend to guide the public in ways to actively engage with the decision-making entities and to be empowered to use their voice as a regional citizen.

Our collective experience and knowledge enable us to research and present various aspects of OWFs (Offshore Wind Farms). Our passion as a group has the capacity to be a catalyst for change for a better future for our unique Central Coast lifestyle and for the future health of the oceans and her creatures.

REACT Alliance Board Members

Be a Part of a Precedent Setting Movement!

Our public meetings are every first Wednesday of each month.

Join a Working Group and Be an Active Part of the Process.

REACT Alliance Working Groups

PR and Media - Create PR material, engage in social media campaigns, interface with mainstream media, schedule public interviews.

Outreach and Events - Public interaction and education about our mission, and distribution of materials at various locations. Organize and host events and assist with fundraising.

Research and Legal - Research matters related to OWFs including current studies, information from other organizations, expert testimonials and actions taken against the industry internationally.

New Member Introduction - Educate and introduce new members to the impacts of offshore wind. Facilitate working group choice.

Meetings and Government - Maintain meeting calendar. Attend and speak on behalf of REACT and stay current on federal, state and local actions pertaining to OWF

Fundraising - Raise operational funds from individuals, businesses and groups. Coordinate with outreach and events group for larger fundraising efforts.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.”

Margaret Meade